Nokia 7.2 and Nokia 9 PureView receiving August update

Nokia Mobile started releasing some bigger and some minor updates for many of their phones, and now it is the turn for Nokia 7.2 and 9 Pureview to get it too. Both of these devices got an August security patch. The update for 7.2 is 8.17 MB in size, while the one for Nokia 9 Pureview is around 30 MB.

August security patch should be available globally, so check on your smart gadget and see if there is an update ready for your model. Also, the second wave of Android 11 update is probably available for Nokia 3.4, so do check on it too.

Well, I hope that the Android 11 update is just around the corner for Nokia 7.2 and Nokia 9 PV, since it is about time for these devices to get it finally.


Thanks all for the tip 😉